Guestbook 2004 - 2010

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January 1, 2004 - ...


Carlo Ciabrini  France /   February 2010

Bravo Madame

John Martin  United States /   May 2008

I just stumbled upon looking for info on Vezzani, César. Opera fan forever. I will save the site and refer to it often. Thank you.

Norbert Carl   France  /   May 2008

Habe heute zufällig Ihre Seite gefunden und bin beglückt! Beschäftige mich seit 18 Jahren mit der Oper, dem Gesang, den Sängern, und freue mich riesig über solche Seiten. Danke!

Barry Walters   Australia  /   May 2008

This is a wonderful place to visit. It brings past years and people to life. Voices from the old recordings are so atmospheric, so moving, in so many they speak to me more than the modern, cold clinical clean recordings. Those who sang into the early apparatus were thrilled at the experience and, I think, their voices betray a fascination with the process that no longer exists as we are so used to technology. In those days it was a miracle. The feeling of involvement in something miraculous led those earlier singers to elevate their art to an ethereal plane, and that elevates me, at the end of a day in the mire, and day in the world of 2008 (...)

Ken Heaps   United States   /   August 2007

I have just found your site. Wonderful! I too have been collecting records of singers for many years (particularly tenors), including 3000 78's. I love dipping in to the 78s for a surprise and prefer the older style to present day. You make me feel guilty because I have often thought about ways to introduce a wider audience to the, now, forgotten singers of the past. You have actually done something about it on an impressive scale. I can imagine the amount of work involved. Well done.

Paul Brooke   Canada  /   June  2007

You have a wonderful website, absolutely the best I have seen about opera. It's very educational and I will be spending a lot of time looking at it.

Monique Matta   United States  /   January  2007

My compliments on your exquisite site. I especially enjoyed your pages on Arangi-Lombardi and Rosa Raisa , two very underrated singers. Thank you for introducing me to the voice of Hina Spani ; she is astonishing! Thank you again for your marvelous website, which has provided me with many hours of enjoyment.

Erik Johanson   /   January  2007

Many thanks for this amazing site!! It will serve as a wonderful teaching tool in my vocal pedagogy class. Sincerely yours in gratitude.

Robert L. Davidson   /   January  2007

Thank you for contributing so much to the rememberance of the great artists of the past ! I was overjoyed to see Antonio Cotogni on your website ! I thought you might find it interesting, that Titta Ruffo was also one of his students. Cotogni taught him how to sing a proper "i" vowel and told him to practice it while he was working on a farm  Thank you.

Peter Miculas   Slovak Republic  /   November  200)6

Danke!!!  Danke!!!!!!  Daaaaaaaaaaa------n---------k---------e!!!!!!!!   eine Superseite!!!!!!

Albert van Veen   New Zealand   /   October, 2006

What a very nice, interesting website. So many artists I've never heard of before, especially the Dutch ones. I'm always hunting through old records in second hand shops here, but not
much hope of finding any of these I'm afraid. Must have been so much work, but also very rewarding to see the result.

Paul Fellows   United Kingdom /   September, 2006

Very many thanks for taking the time and the trouble to compile your website. I very much enjoy listening to great opera singers of the past and present and the information and music you provide has given (and will give) me much pleasure. My thanks once again. Vielen Dank.

José Sexto   Spain  /   September, 2006

Thank you very much for making possible the enjoyment of so wonderful voices. With all my affection. Dank wieder.

Oscar Garcia    Spain  /   Mai, 2006


Susanne Demou-Hüni    Switzerland  /   Mai, 2006

Danke für diese Site, auf welcher ich sogar meine Großmutter Felicie Hüni-Mihacsek (durch zweiter Ehe meines Großvaters Alfred Hüni, ich bin ein Nachkomme seiner ersten Ehe, aber Felicie war mir von Anfang meines Lebens eine 'dritte' Großmutter) gestossen bin. Leider ist auch ihr gemeinsamer Sohn vor vier Jahren gestorben. Ich freue mich darüber, dass hier vor allem der älteren Sängergenerationen gedacht wird!

Frederic Mazion   France  /   April, 2006

Bravo et merci pour ce merveilleux site, si riche en chanteurs... et enchanteur ! Tous ceux qui comme moi adorent chaque jour davantage cet art si captivant car si intrinsèquement humain qu'est l'art du beau chant se délecteront à y retrouver ses plus justes gloires de l'âge "électrique préstéréophonique" (Rosa Ponselle et Claudia Muzio, Lotte Lehmann et Maria Mueller, Germaine Lubin et Ninon Vallin, Irma Kolassi et Kathleen Ferrier, Ebe Stignani et Sigrid Onegin, Melchior et Luccioni, De Luca et Janssen, Schorr et Kipnis, Reizen et Chaliapine, Pinza et Journet...) et à en découvrir d'autres, de l'âge "acoustique" notamment ... Magnifique !

Susan Bernard   United States  /   April, 2006

Thank you so much for a terrific site. Some of these singers are so hard to find and I am thankful to you for such a comprehensive site. Grazie, Merci, Gracias, Danke, etc....


Demir Dai   Turkey /April, 2006

Harika bir site olu¥sturmu¥ssunuz. Websitenizi her gün ziyaret ediyorum ve operan¥in tad¥in¥i ç¥ikarmaya devam ediyorum. Sizi kutluyorum. Thanks.

Johann Lang   Germany   /   April, 2006

Eine wirklich gelungene, hinreißende Site. Vielen Dank und weiter so!

Yolanda Alfaro   Chile   /   March, 2006

Grazie tante. Ho trovato tutte i miei amici qui nel vostro enciclopedico situ.

Eric Goldberg   United States   /  January, 2006

I'm so glad I found your website. Your bios, discographies and photos are wonderful. Thank you and I will be visiting again.

Scott Harris   United States    /  September 20, 2005

Enjoyed looking at your website. My great aunt was Mary McCormic, Soprano. She was a protege of Mary Garden. So I really did enjoy reading about Mary Garden and listening to her recording. I intend to check back soon. Thanks.

Robert Johnson   United States    /  June 21, 2005

I love your website and I wish that there could be some more singers availible for download. [...] I hope to hear from you sometime soon.

Christina Marzano Haystead   United States    /  June 13, 2005

I am so pleased that you have created a site with clear, accurate, interesting information on opera and the fach system. I am especially pleased that you have made the clear distinction between the mezzo-soprano and contralto categories, which many people seem to neglect. I am a true Tiefer Alt forging my way forward in this field, and it’s nice to know that someone out there acknowledges the fact that we even exist in our own right.

Federico Spoliansky   Argentina    /  June 7, 2005

This website is the best opera website I have found. It has all the old recordings, so difficult to find sometimes. It is not a website, it is a gift and miracle. I love all the people who work on it. Keep on.

Cyrus Kyani   United Kingdom   /  March 29, 2005

I am a singing student in London and like yourself very much intrested in those glorious past singers. I would like to thank you for your great effort in organizing this superb website. Eversince I become aware of your site I learn a great deal about voice and get to know more of the natural singers of the past.

Andre Wium   South Africa   /   February 25, 2005

This is simply the greatest site about historical singers on the web! I have been visiting frequently over the past few months, and each time I discover such a wealth of new information about these great singers of yesteryear (Leo Slezak, this time - and that recording of Magische Töne is phenominal). Thank you so much for all of this. Being a South
African, I have recently started to develop a site dedicated to South African opera singers, and I invite you to have a look:

Jan Gaudissabois   Belgium   /   February 10, 2005

A very nice website, one must say. I can't wait to see it more completed. I am a newcomer to historical opera, so it is always very nice to discover suchs pages. I have a modest schellack collection, but I tend to record all my records on my computer, therefore available for who might need them. Not much, but some g&ts (Marie Dietrich / Michailowa), victrolas, early odeons, early french/belgian grammophone, and vertical cut Pathés. Keep up the good work!

Dan Evans   United States   /   January 25, 2005

Thank you so much for setting up & maintaining your wonderful site. The biographies, pictures and sound clips are all first rate. I've learned much from them, and they also brought back fond memories of seeing certain singers in New York in past years, such as Callas, della Casa, Farrell, Vickers and others. You have a profound knowledge of singing and convey it well on your terrific site. It's an absolute must-see for music lovers!

Charlie Stone   New Zealand   /   January 8, 2005

I don’t often come across websites as well-constructed and comprehensive as yours, let alone on a topic of interest to me. Congratulations are in order. You have, I believe, achieved pre-eminence. With the warmest of thanks.

Andrea Benes Czech Republik  /    December 11, 2004

Sono sicuro se scrivo italiano tu capisci. Allinizio di mia email voglio presentarmi. Anchio sono andrea sono baritono da Praga. Sono molto interessato di tuo webside volgio dirti che mi piace tanto cosa fai che fai qualcosa per rinascere lirica quale secondo me gia morta. Brava!!! Anchio sono namorato di vecchi cantanti. Volevo chiederti se puoi pubblicare qualcosa di grande baritono italiano GIUSEPPE TADDEI che e per me uno di piu grandi baritoni di tutti tempi quello che a fatto tantissimo per MELODRAMMA. Sono molto interessato di sapere qualcosa di lui. Ti ringrazio tanto!!!

Yekaterina Syrochkina Russian Federation   /    September 28, 2004

Your website is the best historic opera site on the Web! The biographies allow to discover new information about the singers! The photos are wonderful! Because of your site I was able to discover great singers.

Sean Kiyo Sakata   United States  /   September 4, 2004

I found your website after doing a web search for Ezio Pinza. An instant favorite website! Nothing pedantic or hoity-toi, just genuine interest and great knowledge. I'm bookmarking it as soon as I send this e-mail! Thanks again for this special niche in cyberspace.

Corry Bell   United States  /   August 11, 2004

My mother, Cornelia Brouwenstijn, is the niece of Gre. I was pleasantly surprised to find your website and can hardly wait to show my mom. She has been living in the States now for almost 50 years and married an American GI, my dad, Bud Campbell. Gre's only living sibling, Ries Brouwenstijn, died last year.

Nancy A. Locke  Canada   /   July 27, 2004

I stumbled onto your site while researching a book on my grandmother, Lydia Locke. She was a soprano, a minor talent with a gift for marrying if not well at least often (in the style of her contemporary Lillian Russell). Your site is a gift, well-stocked and truly beautiful to look at. It will surely become a resource for me.

Jan Kunst  The Netherlands   /   June 6, 2004

An exemplary site! Very informative, and with a marvellous collection of photographs. Can't wait to read and see more about singers known and unknown to me. Is there a particular reason that Maria Stader is lacking in you list of sopranos?

Maria Stader has been added to the soprano list.

N. Sinniger  France   /   May  26, 2004

Your website is absolutely wonderful and extremely interesting. All the notices about the great singers of the past are excellent. I am looking forward very much to reading new notices.

Tom Mooney  United States  /   May  25, 2004

Thank you so much for compiling this treasure trove of material from the past and making it available to everyone. I can spend many, many joyous hours reading the data on musicians and music and listening to the sound clips. It is a magnificent service to those of us who love music.

Jacqollyne Keath  Canada   /   May  6, 2004

I stumbled onto your website last night while looking for information on an aria I am performing this Saturday. From La Gioconda – Stella del marinar and was most pleased to hear the recording of Cloe Elmo singing this beautiful piece!

Christiane Gottschalk  Germany  /  March  24, 2004

Ich bin total begeistert von dem Inhalt Ihrer Internetseiten! Es ist die grossartigste Seite für mich, die ich bis jetzt dort kennengelernt habe. [...] Bei den wunderschönen Stimmen, die ich Dank Ihrer intensiven Suche und Ihrem fundierten Hintergrundwissen geniessen kann, wird mir ganz besonders klar, wie kostbar, einfach unbeschreiblich die menschliche Stimme ist. Ich danke Ihnen von ganzen Herzen für die Freude, die sie mir gegeben haben und wünsche Ihnen alles Liebe und Gute!

Dolors Tobella E.  Spain  /  March 7, 2004

Muchísimas gracias por brindarnos esta extraordinaria, elegante y emocionante presentación de las históricas voces del canto.

Udo Holdorf Germany  / March 6, 2004

Es ist wunderbar, dass es Menschen gibt, die eine so große Liebe zum Gesang  haben. Weiter so, und vielen Dank.

Takashi Yoneda Japan /  March 5, 2004

Hello from Akishima, Tokyo. It is wonderful to find such an intelligent and marvellous site. When I searched information about Kathleen Ferrier I found your site. There are many interested information for me. I thank you for your great achievement and beautiful passion. I keep access your website as long as my life keeping.

Guido Bathe Germany  /  March 2, 2004

Aufgrund meines Interesses für historische Gesangsgrößen bin ich (ausgebildeter Bassbariton) auf Ihre einmalige Website gestossen. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Erwähnung von zum Teil nur Sammlern bekannten Stimmen (wer kennt heute noch den Bariton Georg Ots? Für Ihre weitere Arbeit alles Gute.

Barry Ensor New Zealand  /  January 23, 2004

Hello from New Zealand and congratulations on a wonderful website which has been providing much pleasure and information. I too, have a great interest in the wonderful singers of the past such as those portrayed in your website and my knowledge has been significantly enhanced since accessing it-----not to mention the considerable enjoyment it has given me. I look forward to continuing association with this marvellous site.